Bulletproof (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #2) Read online

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  His heavy footsteps came down the stairs, and I waited by the kitchen counter for him to walk in. I imagined he’d look at me with anger at first, but then he would apologize and give me a hug. I waited and waited. I waited until I heard the sound of the front door open and shut. Waited until I heard the roar of his bike. Waited until I heard him pull out of the driveway and down the street. I even waited a few seconds after that hoping he’d change his mind and the alluring scent of bacon would bring him back.

  He never came back.

  I dumped his coffee in the sink, and tossed all the food in the trash. I was no longer hungry, and looking at all that food made my stomach churn.

  Bribing him with his favorite breakfast wasn’t going to be enough this time. I had to accept that this was the first time in my life that I disappointed my father. It was almost too much to swallow. But, if I was anything, I was resilient and I just needed to wait this out.

  I hopped on my bike and headed to work, hoping like hell the news about me being knocked up hadn’t spread yet. The last thing I felt like dealing with was comments and pity looks.

  At the office, I dove right into the invoices and tried to forget the past forty-eight hours. It was going great until Kade knocked on my door.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” I said when I saw him standing in my doorway with his hand resting against the wood frame. His eye was a disaster of reds, blues, purples and yellow. The skin around it was still a swollen mess that made it hard to even see the hazel of his eyes.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned, causing his mechanic shirt to stretch tight across his biceps. “I’m feeling great. Thanks for asking.”

  He was unbelievable. “I told you to let it go, and you didn’t. Your face is not my fault.”

  “I never said it was.”

  “Either way, you need to leave me alone.” Dad could walk in here at any minute and finish what he started the other day. He could look at this as a big fuck you to him. Like we were purposely going against his wishes and, worse, flaunting it in front of him. Dad was a ticking time bomb right now, and I didn’t want to be the spark that set him off completely.

  Kade shrugged with all his arrogance. “I can’t do that. You’re carrying my child.”

  “I’m not asking you. I am telling you.” He went to talk, and I held my hand up, cutting him off. “My father isn’t speaking to me. It’s been two long days of silence in my house. And I’m sorry, but, until he can look at me, talk to me, tell me he’s okay with this, I want nothing to do with you.”

  “You act so tough all the time, but I can see right through you,” Kade said, and empathy filled his tone. “You’re scared. Scared that if you let yourself, you’ll love me as much as I love you. The future… forever… it scares you and you can’t admit it. So, you’re using this as a scapegoat.”

  I laughed, throwing my pen down on the desk, and rested back in my chair. “You would believe that.” I stood up and walked around my desk, stopping in front of him. “I have news for you. The world doesn’t revolve around your ass. My fears go beyond some stupid little crush. And, right now, the only thing I care about is getting my father to speak to me again and the only way that can happen is if you are out of the picture. You can do it willingly, or I will pack my shit up tomorrow and not tell you where I’m going.”

  It wasn’t just to protect mine and my father’s relationship, though that’s what I was making it out to be. I was also doing it to protect Kade. Maybe, if he left us alone, Daddy would be willing to let this one indiscretion slide. He might hate me now, but some day he’d thank me.

  “You wouldn’t fucking dare,” he gritted through his teeth.

  I met his gaze with the same intensity he was throwing at me. “Try me.”

  Neither of us looked away, both staring the other down, and refusing to accept each other’s terms. The muscle in his jaw ticked before he finally caved and broke the staring contest. “This is bullshit and you know it.”

  “Bullshit or not, I’m doing what I have to do.”

  He ran a hand through his brown hair, holding it on his head for a moment. “Do you even give a shit about me?” he asked, and all the venom was gone. His words were genuine, and longing for truth. There was desperation in the way he stood, as if my words could make or break him.

  I hated myself for it, but I did exactly what needed to be done. “No. I don’t.”

  He stumbled back, like I just sucker punched him in the gut. A world of hurt marked his good eye. I bit back the emotion that was forcing its way up my throat and stood tall.

  Without a word he turned, slamming his fist through the sheet rock of the far wall. He yanked his hand back and took off, leaving me with a hole in my wall and in my heart.



  That fucking bitch. How could she expect me to just walk out of her life, out of our child’s life without a goddamned fight. All because Nick was pissed that I knocked her up. It was absolutely ridiculous. I wish Nick did kill me the other night because, at least then, I wouldn’t know what kind of heartless, and cruel person Sienna could be. She had always been a bitch, and I liked that about her. It was intriguing because I knew, beneath the tight jeans and Harley tank tops, she was just as broken and fucked up as me.

  This side of her, though, was too much even for this fucked up biker to handle. I wanted to grab her by her arms and shake some fucking sense it to her. Make her hear how fucking absurd she sounded.

  I was supposed to be working, but I couldn’t when I was this angry and aggravated. I needed to let off some steam. I walked across the parking lot to the clubhouse, hoping to find a whore who passed out the night before and would be willing to start the morning off right. Most of the girls had been begging to ride my cock for years. It was very rare I actually let them get their mouths or their pussies anywhere near me. But, right now, it was all I could think of. I was sick and tired of holding out for a chick who didn’t even give two shits about me.

  I flung the clubhouse door opened and stormed in. Miles came stumbling out of the back, pulling up his zipper and running a hand through his black hair. He carried his shirt in his other hand eventually tugging it on and covering the scar on his shoulder from where the bullet tore through his flesh.

  “What the fuck happened to your eye?” he asked, as he sat down at the bar and poured himself a morning shot of whiskey. He lived in one of the back rooms, which made it convenient for his drinking habit and addiction to the club whores.

  “Long fucking story. I don’t have time to talk about it.”

  I scanned the place, my eyes roaming over empty beer bottles, cigarette ashes over pouring from ashtrays, and a couple of naked girls passed out on top of each other on the couch in the far corner.

  “Have a party last night?” I asked, bypassing the mess and sitting down on the stool next to Miles.

  “And what a party it was.” He held his shot glass up and downed the whiskey without even a flinch.

  The two girls stirred in the corner and the one girl, Tammy, sat up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and then made contact with me. She gave me a wink and stood up on her four-inch clear stripper heels. She strutted toward me completely naked, her big fake tits bouncing with each step she took. Her pussy hair was shaped into a nice landing strip, and my eyes followed it from top to bottom.

  Her finger dragged across my arm, as she came around my side. “Hey, handsome. Nice to see you in here so early in this morning. Is there anything I can do for you?” she said, dragging her nails down my neck.

  I stood up, bent down and grabbed her, throwing her naked ass over my shoulder. I gave her a good slap, the sound echoing through the clubhouse and sending vibrations through my hand. “Excuse me, Miles, I have something I have to take care of.”

  Miles held his newly filled shot glass up, and I stalked down the hallway to the empty room. I flung the door open and dropped Tammy on the leather couch.

  “You have no idea
how long I’ve been waiting to sink my teeth into you,” she purred, spreading her legs wide and running a finger over her pussy. “How do you want me?”

  I unzipped my pants and pushed them down to my ankles. “On your fucking knees,” I demanded.

  She was all too happy to comply, dropping down to the ground and crawling over on all fours like the dirty little whore she was.

  Her hands crawled up my thighs, and back down, as she bit her lip and admired my cock. “You’re even bigger than I imagined.”

  I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to me. “Less talking and more sucking.” I wrapped my hand around her hair and guided her mouth onto my cock. She moaned as I pressed deep into her mouth and her nails dug into the back of my thighs.

  I let go and let her take over. Her greedy mouth sliding up and down my cock. She leaned back and spit on my tip, using her fingers to work it down my shaft. Her hands moved up and down, jerking me off, before putting me back in her mouth.

  I tried to focus on the slick feel of her tongue swirling up and down my shaft. The way she deep throated the fuck out of me, gagging around my big cock, but all I could think about was the way Sienna looked at me when she said she didn’t give a shit about me.

  How every happy thought I ever imagined in all the years I loved her, came crumbling down around me in the matter of seconds. She might as well have stuck her hand in my goddamned chest and ripped my heart out with her bare hands.

  My life mission has always been to protect her. To make sure, no matter what, she is always safe. I have watched after her from a distance for years, but, in that moment, where she turned to stone and dismissed me like some piece of shit, all I wanted was to hurt her. To find a way to make her feel a sliver of what I felt.

  A part of me wished she’d walk in right now and see Tammy slobbering over my dick like a fat kid eating ice cream. I wanted to see her face when she saw another woman’s mouth on my cock. She said she didn’t care about me. She was full of shit.

  I could see it in her eyes. She hid it well on the surface, but once you were able to look deep, past the bullshit, the fear and the stupid façade she had going for her, it was there. She couldn’t fucking hide that from me though she was doing a damned good job trying.

  She was angry because her father wasn’t speaking to her. Those words she said were to get me to leave her alone so she could make things right with him. She put on a damn good poker face. I should have realized that sooner before I punched a hole in her wall and…

  “Um,” Tammy said, knocking me out of my internal rage. I looked down at her, and she held my limp dick in her hand. “What happened?”

  What happened? She wasn’t fucking Sienna, that’s what happened. This girl could be a professional cocksucker, and probably claim the title, but it didn’t fucking matter. I barely felt a thing when she was licking and sucking and running her hands all over me.

  I yanked my pants up, and shoved away from her.

  “If you give me more time, I can fix it,” Tammy said, getting to her feet, and latching on to my cock with her hand.

  I grabbed her wrist and threw it away from me. “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “If you ever need to blow off steam again, I’d be happy to be a place for you to stick your cock. Any hole you want. You can take your pick.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good now.”

  “They always come back,” she cooed.

  “Not me.” There was only one girl I wanted anywhere near my cock again, and I wasn’t going to settle. If Sienna wanted to play shit the hard way, she better be ready for a fight because, this time, I wasn’t fucking backing down.

  Miles met me in the hallway as he pulled a shirt on. “That was fast,” he said with a laugh.

  “I changed my mind,” I muttered. “Where are you off to?” I asked, trying to change the subject and forget I ever went in that room.

  Miles dark eyebrow lifted as he looked at me. “Emergency meeting. Didn’t you get the text from Nick?”

  I took out my phone and let out an annoyed sigh. No text. He was freezing me out… that son of a bitch. “No, I didn’t.” I wondered if the emergency meeting was about me. About stripping me of the only family I had ever known.

  Until I came to the club, I didn’t know what family was. Nick and the other brothers showed me what it meant to have a real family. If Nick and Sienna thought I was going to let them get rid of me that easily, then neither of them realized the magnitude of my devotion to this family. To them. Nick could strip me of my cut, take a blade to my ink, but none of that would matter. My blood ran with the blood of the Outlaws, and nothing he could do would take that away.

  “Well, then, good thing you were here,” Miles said, running a comb through his hair before sliding it back in his pocket. “Come on. Let’s get in there before they start without us.”

  We would be lucky if Nick even started when I walked through those doors. I’d be shocked if he didn’t grab me by the neck and toss my ass out of the clubhouse.

  I wasn’t going to let him win though. In his eyes, I fucked up, and maybe I did, but I wasn’t ready to lie down dead yet. I would fight him just like I was going to fight Sienna.

  Miles and I walked through the big wood doors, and headed to our seats around the table. Surprisingly, everyone was already there except for Nick.

  Cash looked over at my eye and swatted my chest. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “Later,” I said, realizing I hadn’t talked to him all weekend, and, if my gut was right, he might know even sooner than that.

  “Get in a fight with a door knob?” Braxton joked.

  Dice gave me a look that made me think he knew the truth behind the busted eye.

  “That would be one strong fucking doorknob,” Hudson said.

  I went to say some smart-ass remark back when Nick came in and shut the door. He made his way to the head of the table, his eyes staring me down the entire time. My body went stiff under the intensity of his gaze, but I refused to show fear. Not from him. We were on the same damn team. We protected each other, and we sure as hell didn’t hurt one another.

  He sat down, and crossed his arms over his broad chest, his eyes never once leaving mine. The tension in the room was thick as shit, and I know I wasn’t the only one who could sense it. Nobody spoke. All eyes glued to Nick, waiting for him to make his move.

  Sweat beaded on my forehead, and I swallowed down the desire to state my case. The guys would never let Nick kick me out of the club. I hoped. I slept with his daughter, who I was in love with; it’s not like I ratted out the club to the FBI, or sold my guys out to a rival club. I was loyal and a damn good member. I knew that. They knew that. Nick knew that.

  Nick uncrossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. It creaked against his weight, creating the only noise in the room.

  “Why are we here?” Phil finally spoke, diffusing a little of the tension, but not diminishing it completely.

  Nick continued to stare at me, like a lion taunting its prey. The only thing that would make it more authentic was if he swatted at me while I tried to escape.

  “There’s something you all need to know,” Nick started, and I gulped down the sudden panic that rose in my chest. “Something that we all need to decide on, and how we are to move forward.”

  He was really going to do it. He was going to put me on the fucking chopping block. Unfuckinbelievable. Did the past ten years I devoted to this club mean nothing to him? Did he not realize that I lived and breathed for this club and my brothers? That there were worse things in the world than having someone love his daughter?

  Nick linked his huge sausage fingers together, resting his elbows on the table. “I got a phone call this morning from Angelo.”

  Relief rushed over me like a tidal wave taking over the shore. I let out the breath I had been holding since Nick walked into the room. This emergency meeting wasn’t about me. It was about Montamos. If the president of their club was calling, it h
ad to be big.

  “What’d he want?” Cash asked, his body going rigid. Ever since his old lady killed one of Gordita’s army, and we covered it up by framing Montamos as the killer, Cash had been on edge. He kept waiting for the shoe to drop. Waiting for the truth to come out, and the perfect life he was currently living to be snatched out from under him.

  There was no way that could possibly happen, though. We covered all our tracks. The only way either Montamos or Gordita’s army would find out is if someone snitched and that would never happen.

  “He wants a meeting. Gordita’s army is becoming too much for him and his boys to handle. He said he’s lost more men than he has, and it needs to stop now.”

  “Why would we form an alliance with them?” Dice asked. “Can we even trust them? Angelo isn’t exactly known for his goodwill. I’d wager money that he got Carlos killed, so he could claim the presidency. Besides, it’s been so fucking peaceful around here with those two at war.”

  “Agreed,” Miles said. “I say let them kill each other, and we stay the fuck out of it.”

  “I would love to, but what happens when that war ends? Who will the winner go after next? What happens if they make peace, and they form their own alliance against us?” Nick explained.

  “That won’t happen,” Dice said.

  “How do you know?” Nick asked. “I’ve seen it before. I’ve been around a long time, and it’s always the craziest fucking shit that happens that you wouldn’t ever think to expect. We have to keep our minds open to that and be prepared for the unexpected.”

  Phil sat forward, his face marked with wear from years of living the hard life. His hair, once speckled with gray, was now completely consumed. “Before Carlos died, we had an understanding with Montamos, and it worked in both of our favors. Angelo might not be Carlos, but he’s our only chance at keeping the peace. I say we take the meeting.”

  “Let’s take it to a vote,” Nick said. “Me and Phil are in favor.”

  “No fucking way,” Dice said.


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