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Bulletproof (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #2) Page 17

  A glance at my watch told me I had four minutes. I slipped through the back entrance, hoping nobody would come down the hallway. I pressed my back against the wall, and inched my way toward the doorway.

  Voices floated out, and I could hear the distinct Spanish accent of Gordita. My lip curled, blood boiled, and I forced the anger down. I couldn’t let my emotions fog my judgment. This needed to be done quickly and precisely.

  The voices stopped, and I poked my head in. Gordita sat in the chair, her feet in a tub of water and bubbles, her eyes covered by a mask. The woman who was working on her left to go get the hot stones, and I slipped into the room.

  I made my way around the back of the chair, and clamped down on her mouth. She fought against me, but I had rage on my side. It would have been easy to shoot her in the fucking head, but I wanted her to suffer. I wanted her to have a minute of body numbing fear. To know what it felt like to have the life sucked out of her.

  I bent her head back, and brought the blade of the knife to her throat. “This is for my father, you cunt,” I said against her ear, as I cut deep into her flesh from one side to the other. Blood spurted out, and her body shook, as I held her down, watching her bleed to death, until the movements stopped. I pushed her head forward, wiped my knife on her shirt and stuck it back into the holster on my thigh.

  The woman who was working on her called out, and I slipped out of the room. I was at the exit when I heard the blood-curdling scream, and was gone before anyone came down the hall.

  The clouds opened up, and the rain poured down, as I walked into a store across the street. It was a clothing store filled with dresses and tiny shirts only whores would wear. I went to the bathroom, ridding myself of the wig and glasses. I stuffed them into my purse before heading back to my car.

  When I got behind the wheel, I pulled away, just as police raced in.

  Killing the woman who helped set my father up to die should have brought me some sense of accomplishment or relief. A fucking smile or something, but all I felt was emptiness.



  It was a long day at work, followed by a long session at church. Montamos and Gordita’s gang hadn’t made a single move since Nick’s death, and it made us wonder if they would make another move again or if they were waiting on us.

  I promised Sienna we would take care of Gordita, but, as each day passed, I broke that promise to her. Honestly, I’d rather take out Angelo for fucking betraying us the way he did. Or Matias, since he was probably the one who brought the information back to Gordita. We had so many fucking enemies, it was exhausting to think about.

  I turned onto my street, and spotted Sienna’s car in my driveway. I sped up, flying up to the house and hopping off my bike.

  She sat on the steps of the porch, the sun shining down on her and staring at her hands.

  “Sienna?” I called out as I made my way to her. She didn’t look at me; she just kept staring at her hands.

  I got down on my knees in front of her, and saw the blank expression on her face.

  “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I took her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me. Her hands began to shake, and I noticed a trail of dried blood on her hands. I took her hands in mine, noticing even more blood. “What did you do? Dammit, Sienna, what did you do?”

  “I did what needed to be done. It’s over.” She was right in front of me, but her voice made her seem like she was miles away.

  “What’s ov…” Realization slammed into me. “Please tell me you didn’t.” Panic laced my words as I shook her arms.

  “I took care of it. Gordita’s gone.”

  “Have you lost your fucking mind?” I jumped up from the ground and paced back and forth, panic and rage swirling around in my head. “You could have got yourself killed! You could have got our baby killed! Did you not think about the baby?!”

  “That’s all I thought about!” She stood, pinning me in place with her stare. “I told you. I was not going to bring my child into a world where that woman existed! My baby is safe now.”

  “Safe?” I ran my hands through my hair, trying to control the rage coursing through my veins. I flexed my fists over and over again, forcing me to calm down before I put my fist through the siding of my house. “What if something went wrong? What if she had men with her? What if someone saw you, and now you have a fucking target on your back?”

  “No one saw me. That day you caught me? It wasn’t the first time I went there. I followed her for two months. I knew her schedule. I knew when she ate and when she slept. I knew every little detail of her life. No one saw me and, even if they did, they would identify me as Ginger Meyers a Southerner who had just moved here from Georgia.”

  I didn’t know what to say or do. I wanted to scream at her and shake her, but at the same time I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her with all of my being.

  “You promised me,” I said.

  She shook her head. “You asked me to promise, but I never did. I couldn’t. I needed to do this, Kade. And I knew you would try to stop me, which is why I pushed you away. I couldn’t let you do that. I needed to this for myself.”

  “And now?”

  A tear slipped down her cheek, then every emotion she ignored by hiding behind anger and vengeance pushed through. “I thought I would feel something, anything, once the bitch was dead, but I felt nothing. I feel nothing.” Pain and agony pulled at her eyes and her mouth. Her lip quivered as she blinked up at me with those pretty blue eyes. “Nothing,” she said, again, as tears cascaded down her cheeks. “Except pain.”

  Her body went limp, and I caught her before she crumbled to the ground. “I got you,” I said, hugging her against me. She cried into my chest and, though it killed me to be witness to her suffering, she needed to finally let it out.

  “I thought watching the life slip out of her would somehow fix this.”

  I rubbed circles on her back, and closed my eyes against her pain. “Killing Gordita wasn’t going to bring your dad back.”

  She sniffled. “I know that, but I just thought…” Her words were muffled into my chest and I stroked her hair, wishing I could do more. “I thought I’d finally be able to accept it if she was dead, too.”

  “Sometimes it’s not about accepting, but finding the strength to move on.”

  “I don’t think I’m strong enough.”

  I laughed, taking her face in my hands again. “You are the strongest person I know. The only girl who could bring Dice to his knees just by twisting his ear. The one girl who has fought me every step of the way. The one who took care of her father, and turned the baddest mother fucking biker I’ve ever known into a goddamned puddle every time he looked at you. Who is seven months pregnant, and just killed one of the country’s most sought after criminals. You, sweetheart, are one tough ass chick. You’ll get through this and, not just because you’re strong enough to do it, but because I’m going to be by your side every step of the way. Slam as many doors as you want in my face; you’re not shaking me.”

  “I don’t want to shake you,” she said, and it was all the words I needed to hear. I crushed my mouth to hers, savoring the caress of her lips against mine, the softness of her hair, and the sweet smelling scent of coconut.

  I scooped her up into my arms, and she let out a screech of protest. “I’m too heavy.”

  “Never,” I said, carrying her into the house and right to my bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and hovered over her, staring down at every beautiful part of her. She reached out to me with determination, and I laughed, lying down beside her. “Still trying to be in control. You never learn your lesson.”

  “It’s a hard lesson to learn.”

  I kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She moaned at the intrusion, and I pulled back. “Let me love you.”

  A smile tugged at her lips, and it was the best fucking feeling. “Even if I said no, I don’t think it would stop you.”

  “You’re absolutely fuckin
g right.” I kissed her again, trailing my tongue down her neck to the sensitive crook that made her squirm.

  “I should probably wash up,” she said, holding her hands up that still had the signs of Gordita’s death on them.

  “How about a shower?” I asked, as I pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders.

  “You read my mind.” She stood up and stepped out of her dress.

  She was a fucking vision in a pair of red lace panties and a matching bra that barely contained her swollen tits, and reminded me of our first night together. Her belly was even bigger now and, within a few months, she would give me the greatest gift of my life.

  “What are you looking at?” she asked.


  “Why? I’m huge.”

  I went to her, resting my hand on her stomach. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  “You have to say that because you did this to me.” She motioned to her body.

  “I’d still find you beautiful.”

  A hint of a smile shown through, and she began to walk away. I watched her ass sway back and forth, loving all of her new curves. She glanced over her shoulder. “You coming?”

  “Always.” I ran toward her, scooping her up again and carrying her to the bathroom where I would show her how much I loved her and her new body.

  My cell rang, waking me out of a sound sleep. I kissed Sienna’s bare shoulder, and rolled over to my side of the bed, reaching for my phone.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Gordita’s dead,” Cash said into the phone. “It’s all over the news. Someone slit her throat at a salon.”

  I smiled. My girl was nothing if not dramatic. Of course she went for the slit throat, instead of a shot to the head. She wanted the bitch to suffer for a second before she died.

  “Do they know who did it?” I asked, deciding it was best to keep this between Sienna and I. The less people who knew, the less likely anyone would find out the truth.

  “Not a fucking clue. I talked to Stanson, and he said even the Fed tailing the bitch didn’t see anything.”

  Sienna wasn’t kidding when she said she had it all planned out. She truly was her father’s daughter.

  “We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” I said, wanting to get back to Sienna’s warmth. “I’m just happy the bitch is dead.”

  “Me too. Alright, brother. Talk to you in the morning.”

  “Thanks for letting me know,” I said and hung up.

  “Who was that?” Sienna asked.

  “Cash. Seems like Gordita’s dead. I wonder how that happened.”

  “I have no idea,” she said with a smile in her voice.

  “You didn’t tell him I did it?”

  I pushed up, resting my hand on her far side and looking down at her. “No. That’s going to be our secret.” I promised her father I’d keep her safe and, by keeping this secret, that’s exactly what I was doing.

  I pressed my lips to her forehead, and she linked her arms around my neck, pulling my mouth to hers. Her hand slipped beneath the comforter, and she wrapped her hand around my hard cock.

  “Someone else is awake.”

  “For you, he is always ready to go.”

  She stroked me, and I closed my eyes, letting her think she had control for a moment. I kissed her again, then trailed my mouth along her collarbone, sliding behind her and positioning my cock against her entrance. I swiped the tip along her slick pussy.

  “Mmm, you’re so wet for me.”

  “For you. Always.” I pushed into her, and made love to her for the third time that night.



  Kade tied a bandana around my head, and I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see them. We were outside his house, and he said he had a surprise for me. He wrapped me in his strong arms and pressed his lips against my ear, instantly causing chills to shoot down my spine.

  “You ready?” he asked, against my ear.

  “I don’t know. Am I?”

  “Yes, you smartass.” He gave my ass a little pat, and then took my hand in his. I loved how rough they felt against my own, and how a simple squeeze from him was the only reassurance I ever needed.

  “Fine. Let’s do this.”

  He guided me into the house and after a couple turns he brought me to a stop. He grabbed my boob, and I slapped his hand away. “I like you being blindfolded. You can’t stop my advances,” he said with a laugh, and I waved my hand in search of his hard head.

  He came up behind me, grabbed my hand and brought it to my side, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Okay.” The bandana loosened, and then slipped away, revealing a room of navy blue outfitted with a crib, a changing table, a white wood rocking chair and all the things our baby boy could possibly need. “What do you think?” Kade asked.

  My lips parted, but I couldn’t find words. It was perfect. Beautiful. Exactly how I would have done it, except the crib was still in the box at my house. Wait a second. “Is that the crib I bought?”

  “It is. Which leads me to my next thing.” Kade came around, taking my hands in his. “Move in with me.”

  We finally made it official. I was his old lady, something I never thought I would be. We bounced back and forth between both of our houses, and it would be so much easier if we just lived together. But… “I can’t leave my Dad’s house. It’s all I have left of him.”

  “That house is full of bad memories. All the good memories will stay right here.” He pointed to my heart then rested his hand there. “It’s time for you to start fresh. To stop hiding behind your past, and finally open up to the possibility of us being together. Of us. Me, you and our son being a family.”

  “I have to go,” I blurted out.

  “Sienna, stop running from me. Please. Do you want me to get on my knees and beg because I will?”

  I shook my head. “No, I mean I really got to go. My water just broke.”

  “Oh shit!” Kade wrapped his hand around my waist, and I waddled to the door. I wasn’t due for another week, and I never expected I’d go early.

  The next few hours went by in a blur of excruciating pain that made me think I was going to die, and nurses coming in and out checking on me. Kade held my hand the entire time, giving me the strength I needed, whenever I thought I didn’t have any left.

  He brushed my sweaty hair off my face, brought me ice chips, and kissed my forehead. I’d never seen him look scared, but watching me go through labor, he looked like he was going to jump out of his skin even though it was obvious he was trying to hide his fears.

  But he couldn’t hide anything from me. I knew him too damn well.

  After five hours of labor, I finally got to hold our baby boy in my arms. He was the most beautiful and precious thing I’d ever had in my presence. To think I once thought of him as a mistake nearly broke my heart. He wasn’t a mistake. Getting pregnant with him was the best damn thing I ever did.

  “You did amazing, sweetheart,” Kade said, kissing the top of my head, and looking down at our son. “What should we name him?”

  “Dominic, after his grandpa.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “He’s perfect.”

  “He is, and he has an entire waiting room full of people waiting to meet him.”

  I smiled, looking up at Kade. “They can wait. I want a little more time with just us.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”



  I placed my little man in his car seat, and made sure he was secure. Then, when I came out to help Sienna out of the wheelchair, the hospital insisted she stay in until we got to the car, she got up and pushed me out of the way. She stuck her head into the car, checking everything I just did.

  “Great,” I said.


  “You’re going to become even more of a control freak now.”

  She stepped back from the car, and lifted her eyebrow in defiance. “Do you have a problem with that?

  I wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her to me, grazing her ear with my lips. “As long as I’m still in charge in the bedroom.”

  “I think I’m actually okay with that,” she said with a smile.

  “How long until you can have sex again?”

  “Too long,” she groaned.

  “I’ll just have to make it worth the wait when the time comes.”

  “I’m holding you to that, buddy. Now, let’s get going. I’m going to ride in the back with him.”

  “I wouldn’t expect any less, Mommy.” I helped her get into the back seat and, when she was settled, I jumped into the driver’s seat.

  “Whose house are we going to?” I asked.

  She met my eyes in the rearview mirror, and gave me a smile that lit up her whole damn face. “Remember that question you asked me before my water broke?”

  I nodded, continuing to watch her in the mirror.

  “My answer is yes.”


  “Yes, Kade. I’ll move in with you. We’ll move in with you.”

  I shifted in the seat, and leaned into the back, snaking my hand around Sienna’s neck and bringing her mouth to mine. I kissed her with everything that I had, then rested my forehead against hers, refusing to break the connection yet. “You just made me the happiest guy in the world.”

  “Now we’re even because you make me the happiest girl.” She kissed me again, and then Dominic let out the cutest noise. “And you make me the happiest mommy,” Sienna said, pulling away from me and giving our son her attention.

  I shifted back into the seat, and put the car in drive. Sienna caught my eyes in the rearview mirror again. “Bring us home, Kade.”

  I let my foot off the brake, remembering every moment that brought us to this point, and then I did as my dream girl asked. I brought my family home.

  The End

  Look for my next book Dice (#3 A Righteous Outlaws Novel)