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Bulletproof (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #2) Page 3
Bulletproof (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #2) Read online
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I was an adult now, and made to handle these things. Besides, I had nothing to worry about. The test would tell me I wasn’t pregnant, and all this panic and worry would have been for nothing. I took a deep breath and picked up the first test.
A plus sign stared back at me, and I fumbled for the box. No. It couldn’t be. There was no way. It was impossible. The box confirmed it wasn’t impossible, but it had to be the wrong box. I picked up the other box and dammit. It didn’t match up. If I was pregnant, the other test would show me two lines.
With my eyes closed, I took the other test in my hand and sent up a silent prayer. I slowly lifted my lids, and, staring back at me, were two very solid lines.
My entire body froze. I didn’t feel emotion in that moment. I felt nothingness. Like my soul decided to fly out of me and take a vacation, leaving behind my body.
I don’t know how long I sat there, staring at the two tests. All I knew was, by the time I was able to move, the clock had jumped ahead an hour. Piece by piece, my emotions came back to me. First shock, then anger, then complete and total panic, as the realization of the situation came into focus.
I was pregnant.
I was pregnant, and Kade was the father.
Fuck me. If that was to get out… If Daddy was to find out… Oh, God. My breaths became ragged and short, as I desperately tried to suck in air. Kade might as well put a target on his own head because Daddy was going to kill him.
I swallowed down the panic. I didn’t do emotion for that very reason. It clouded your vision and judgment and, right now, I needed to be able to see everything as perfectly clear as I could. I needed to handle this…on my own.
This was my problem and, as far as anybody else was concerned, I wasn’t pregnant.
“This bitch is starting to get on my goddamned nerves,” Nick said, as we settled into church. Gordita, an illegal immigrant and the head of a street gang and a drug smuggling dynasty from Argentina was a pain in all of our asses.
Her “army” as they called themselves, made up mostly of her biological sons, proving the bitch couldn’t keep her legs closed, was taking over the streets in the neighboring town. They were also stealing a good deal of our business.
About 30 years ago, The Righteous Outlaws promised Black Hills they would protect the citizens from outside crime. The police had an unwritten agreement to turn their cheek to the Outlaws business dealings, and the local businesses agreed to pay a small fee every month. Gordita and her litter of puppies were starting to infringe on our territory, and it was a problem that needed to be dealt with.
The war between Gordita’s gang and another MC, the Montamos, raged on ever since one of Gordita’s sons was discovered with a bullet hole in his head. It had worked in our favor, even if Aubree, my best friend’s old lady, was the one who put that bullet there. What could have been a complete and total disaster turned out to be the best thing to happen to get the Gorditas off our fucking asses. Now, we just had to hope they never found out the truth. If they did, both the Gorditas and the Montamos would be after us. It would be a fucking blood bath.
We just needed to make sure that never happened.
“Let’s just kill the bitch,” Bentley, aka Beast, said as if he was suggesting what to have for lunch.
“Sounds good to me,” Dice agreed.
Nick raised his hand from his seat at the head of the table. “While I would love to put a bullet through her heart, it will only cause bigger problems. We need to play this smart. Keep our heads and wits about us. No rash decisions because there will be backlash, and we cannot let that happen. You hear me?”
We all nodded in agreement.
“What about all the business they’re stealing from us?” Cash asked, shifting forward in his seat.
“My connection down in Florida wants us to partner up with him to move his shipments out west,” Nick said.
“Fuck that,” I said. “We don’t work for anyone.”
“Sometimes, in business, you have to suck up your pride and do what is best, even if you don’t agree.”
“Were you even going to put it to a vote?” I asked.
Nick crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps twitching against the sleeves of his black t-shirt. “I’m about to do that right now. All in favor?”
“Wait,” Cash said. “I need more information before I vote on anything. How do we know we can trust this guy? What kind of shipments? The basics, or are we running harder shit?”
“He’s a friend. I give you my word we can trust him. The shipments will be everything that we already handle. We’ll just need to drive down to Florida every few months to pick them up. He’s going to give us a forty-five percent cut for everything we transport. We don’t even have to find the clientele. They’re already in place.”
“Fine. I vote in then.”
“Everyone else in favor?” Nick asked.
Everybody around the table raised their hand and, even though I hated the idea of letting the reins go from our end, it was too good to turn down. I let out a rush of air and held up my hand. “Count me in.”
“Good,” Nick said. “Now back to the bitch. Kade and Cash, I need you guys to go down to the station and talk to Stanson.”
Stanson was the local sheriff and an ally to the club. We kept the town safe, and he turned an eye to our business dealings. The agreement with Stanson went back as far as the beginning of the club. If anyone would have information on Gordita and her army, it would be Stanson.
The skin around Nick’s eyes pulled tight, and he ran a hand over his grey beard. “See what you can find out. We can’t kill her.” Nick turned his attention to Beast. “It’s not up for debate. But, maybe, we can find a way to take them down and get them the fuck out of our hair.”
“Will do,” I said.
“Any other matters to discuss?” Nick asked and scanned the table. “Then, we’re out.”
We all stood from our chairs, and Cash smacked me on the back. “Want to head out now?”
“Might as well,” I answered. I followed him out to the entrance and into the parking lot. We started making our way to our bikes when I spotted Sienna, getting out of a customer’s car. “I’ll catch up to you,” I said, and Cash rolled his eyes at me.
“Are you ever going to accept that you will never fuck her?”
A small laugh escaped my lips, and I gave a knowing look.
“You’re full of shit.”
I shook my head, and I shrugged.
“Holy fuck! You ain’t lying.” Cash smacked me in between the shoulder blades.
“That first time you and Aubs did dinner at the house.”
“Shit, man. I knew something was going on. So did Sunshine, but I told her to mind her damn business. Is it still going on?”
“Nah, she hasn’t given me the time of day since.”
“I think it’s time you cut your losses then. You got what you wanted. It’s time to move on. Besides, if Nick finds out, he’ll skin your ass.”
That’s where he was completely wrong. I may have gotten what I wanted, but, by doing so, I got a taste of what I’d been missing out on and now that’s all I could think about. My wants grew into needs, and I wasn’t going to rest until Sienna was mine. “I’m not a quitter,” I said to Cash, and patted him on the back.
I ran toward Sienna, as she made her way to the office. Her face was pale and her nose wrinkled like she smelled something bad.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” I asked, as I approached her. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, showing off that long neck and those tiny ears. The black tank top she wore cut low and put her beautiful rack on display.
She swallowed and forced a smile. “Fine,” she said, but she was full of shit. I knew her long enough to know when she was throwing me bullshit to leave her alone. I grabbed her elbow, halting her from trying to run away from me. Her ponytail swung back and fo
rth as she came to a stop.
I moved in front of her, and lifted her chin with my fingers, not giving a shit who saw us. “You don’t look fine.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Is that your nice way of saying I look like shit?”
I ran my thumb across her jaw, missing the feel of her skin beneath mine. I wanted so desperately to knock off the niceties, drag her behind the building, and fuck her brains out. If we were anywhere else, I might have, but we were on Outlaw property and I couldn’t let anyone see us getting that close. Nick would have me stripped of my cut, and chopped my dick off, if he knew I was after his daughter. I also, honestly, didn’t like how Sienna looked, so I ignored my dick. “No, it’s my way of saying I’m concerned.”
“Well you have nothing to be concerned about because, like I said, I’m fine. Besides, even if I wasn’t, I’m not your problem.”
“Sweetheart, you will always be my problem even if you don’t want to be.”
“Look, Kade,” she said, lowering her voice and leaning into me. The sweet smell of coconut surrounded me, causing my dick to throb beneath my jeans. “We fucked once. It meant nothing. So, move on.” Her words were clipped and void of emotion, and, to anyone else, that may have been reason enough to walk away, but I knew better. She was full of shit.
She pulled back, reached into her bag, and took out a sleeve of Saltines, popping one in her mouth. Her eyebrow arched as if to intimidate me and I laughed. I looked right into her eyes and smiled. “Is it exhausting?” I asked.
“Is what exhausting?”
“Living a lie?”
Her eyes widened for the slightest of seconds, and then she straightened. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The corner of my lip quirked, and I waited, loving to see her squirm. “You’re in love with me.”
“I am not!”
“You are, and, the sooner you realize it, the better off we both will be.”
Her blue eyes darkened like a storm brewing in the sky. “No, Kade, that’s where you’re wrong, and the sooner you realize that and leave me the fuck alone, the happier I’ll be.”
She stomped off, the heels of her boots clicking on the cement as she went. The words should have hurt. Should have felt like a bullet to the gut, but they didn’t. I knew the way she looked at me. The way she screamed my name that night when I made her come over and over again. Saw how she would sneak glances of me out of the corner of her eye when she thought no one was looking.
She wanted to push me away. Not that I could really blame her. You didn’t get more forbidden than the two of us, but it was a price I was willing to pay if it meant more nights with the only girl whoever made me want more than the life I had. It would take some time, but I was a patient man. She would come around to my way of thinking. I knew there was something special between us and, sooner or later, she would see it too.
Cash was waiting for me at the police station, leaning against his bike and smoking a cigarette. I pulled into the spot next to him, and took off my helmet. I ran a hand through my hair, flattening it out and pushing it back into place.
“Taking it, it didn’t go so well?” he asked, flicking his butt across the parking lot.
“When it comes to chicks, when does it ever go well?”
Cash laughed. “Good point. Speaking of chicks, let’s get this over with. Mine is waiting at home for me.”
“Did you hear that?” I asked, holding my hand up to my ear.
“Hear what?” Cash scanned the lot, and rested his hand on his cut right where his Glock sat.
“The sound of the whip. Wuh-PSSSH wuh-PSSSH.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” Cash said, with a laugh, and started walking toward the station.
We walked through the front door and the cop at the front desk looked up; a rookie who, according to Stanson, was too gung ho and a royal pain in his ass.
“Is he in?” I asked, nodding to the back where Stanson’s office was.
“Yes, but I don’t think he’s expecting you,” the rookie said.
I laughed. “He’s never expecting us.” Cash and me strode by him, and straight back to Stanson’s office.
He was at his desk, reading over some paperwork. I gave a courtesy knock on the door before walking in and making myself comfortable. I settled into the chair across from him, and kicked my foot up onto my knee. Cash took the seat beside me, and leaned back letting out a loud sigh.
“To what do I owe this visit?” Stanson said, dropping the papers to his desk and looking up at us.
“Want to see if you found any more information out about the immigrant bitch.”
Stanson rested his hands behind his head. He had bags under his eyes, and looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “Another body showed up along the highway. Just on the line of our jurisdiction. It seems like, ever since one of Gordita’s sons turned up dead, shit has hit the fan.”
I could feel the tension between Cash and I at the mention of the dead son. His old lady was the reason for this war and, if the truth were to ever be revealed, she was as good as dead. Cash would do anything to protect her and, because of that, so would I.
“Have you been able to nab any of them?”
“That’s the problem. Her crew is killing any Montamos they come in contact with, but because they never leave behind prints, DNA or any type of evidence, it’s all assumption. Can’t press charges on assumption.”
“Oh, it’s them,” I said with pure certainty.
“You know that. I know that. Fuck, the DA knows that. But there’s nothing any of us can do without evidence.”
“Then, they need to find evidence, put this bitch away, and get her out of our fucking hair.”
“The local cops are too scared to even drive down her block. Last time they did, they got shot at and even still they couldn’t make any arrests. There was so much gunfire they had no choice but to drive away. They couldn’t identify anyone, and they sure as hell weren’t going to try. They were too busy saving their asses from getting killed.”
“Fuck,” I said, resting my foot on the floor and leaning back in my chair.
“There’s more,” Stanson said, and Cash and I looked at each other.
“Go on,” I said.
“They think she’s not only smuggling drugs, but illegals, too.”
“You mean people?” Cash asked.
“I mean people. Illegal immigrants. She tells them she’ll get them out of their country and here to the US, and they can work their debt off when they arrive. So, when they get here, she puts them on the streets selling her drugs until she thinks they earned their freedom. Usually by the time she’s ready to let them go, they have no other way to survive and they stick with her. It explains the loyalty past her own sons. These people will do anything for her because, in their minds, she saved them.”
“Holy shit, this bitch is crazy,” I said, running a hand through my hair.
Stanson nodded. “She may be crazy, but she’s a fucking genius. She’s expanding her army outside the country where we can’t touch her, then she’s bringing them here, granting them the freedom they seek and making them think she’s some sort of god.”
“As long as she keeps her army in her territory, we’ll be fine,” I said.
“That’s what I want to talk to you guys about,” Stanson said, sitting forward in his chair and resting his arms on his desk. “Bodies are showing up right outside my jurisdiction. We pride this town on safety and security. The Outlaws are here to keep us safe. That was our original deal, and I need you guys to promise me none of that shit gets brought into my town.”
“It’s as much our town as it is yours,” Cash said. “Our promise is still good and always will be.”
“As long as you stick with yours,” I added.
Stanson shrugged. “Goes without question. Unfortunately, it’s not me that needs reassuring. It’s the people of the town. They’re hearing about the craziness in the news, and it’s getting closer and closer to home. No
w, let’s be honest. It’s only a matter of time before they start pointing fingers your way. So, more than ever, you all need to stay out of trouble. Have another charity event. Show the people you are the people. I don’t care whatever it is you have to do; helping an old lady bring groceries to her car, save some more dogs, clean up the park, raise money for the children’s wing of the hospital. I don’t care. Just do it.”
“We’ll figure it out,” I said and stood up. “Keep us posted if you find out anything else.”
“I’ll let you know,” Stanson said.
With a nod, Cash and I walked out and back to the parking lot. When the doors shut behind us, Cash grabbed my arm. “They can never find out,” he said, panic lacing his words and evident in his eyes. In all the years we’ve been friends, I never once saw fear in him. I guess an old lady would do that to you.
I looked him dead on and assured him. “They won’t.” He still didn’t look convinced. “The only people that know are your brothers. If you can’t trust us to keep shit buried, then who can you trust?
He ran a hand over his chin and the fear vanished as if it were never there. “No one,” he said.
“Exactly.” The sky turned grey and rain started to fall. I smacked Cash on the back. “Rain or shine, we ride. Now, let’s get the fuck out of here. Your old lady is waiting for you. We’ll bring this shit to church tomorrow.”
We hopped on our bikes and took off. Cash made a right and headed home and I just kept going straight. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I didn’t want to go home. Unlike Cash, I didn’t have someone waiting for me in my bed.
I could have easily gone to the clubhouse and fucked one of the whores, but there was no point. After sex with Sienna, no one satisfied me anymore. She ruined me for all other women, but I would have her again. I would make her mine, president’s daughter or not.