Bulletproof (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #2) Read online

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  Daddy was out for the night on official club business, so I invited Dice over to keep me company. My days of going out to the bars were over and I was having a hard time accepting that. I was having a hard time accepting the whole fucking thing actually. I kept trying to convince myself it was all a bad dream, but then my stomach would churn, and I’d puke up everything I just ate. This baby wasn’t even here and it was already like its father, a pain in my ass.

  Dice walked in the front door without knocking, raindrops dripped down the black leather of his cut. He lived here for not even a year back when we were teens, and, ever since then, he just came and went as he pleased. He was as much a part of this family as I was. Which was good for Dice since he never had a father figure, and Dad filled that void for him. When Dice turned eighteen, and Dad made him a prospect, it was the best thing to ever happen to him. He might’ve been an outlaw, but at least he finally had a purpose in life. A place to belong.

  He greeted me with a nod of his head, and continued to the kitchen, placing the six-pack he held in the fridge. “Want one?” he asked, as he popped the top off.

  I was never one to turn down a drink, and he’d be immediately suspicious if I declined. I thought about taking it, but leaving it on the table like I forgot about it. He turned his head from the fridge, his hand resting on the door and stared at me with dark brown eyes.

  “No, I’m good,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t question me.

  He shut the door and shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He pressed against the counter, and took a long swig. To me, there was nothing intimidating about him other than his cut. At 5’10”, he was the shortest member of the club, and didn’t pack the thick muscles like Cash and Kade did. However, looks were deceiving. He had more kills than them, and always picked a fight with the biggest guy in the room. His size meant nothing. He was as deadly and crazy as they came. Still, to me, he was a teddy bear I was lucky enough to call a brother.

  “So, what’s going on?” he asked, taking another swig from the bottle and grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet.

  “Nothing’s going on,” I said a little too quickly.

  His eyebrow arched, causing wrinkles in his forehead. “I’m not fucking stupid. Something’s going on.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I headed out of the kitchen to avoid his scrutiny, and sat down on the couch in the living room. A second later, Dice flopped down next to me and I wished I would have went somewhere with a locked door.

  His eyebrow was still arched as he stared at me with a tilted head. I ignored him, so he gave up and rested into the soft leather of the couch.

  “You turned down a beer. You begged me to come over.”

  “I didn’t beg you.”

  “Oh, Dice, Daddy’s going to be out and I don’t want to be alone. Can you please come over?” he said with a high pitched squeak that made me want to deck him.

  “I don’t sound like that, and I would never be that pathetic or desperate.”

  He held his hands up. “Just telling it as it is.”

  This time, I did punch him, causing him to groan. “You deserved that.”

  “Why didn’t you call Kade to come over?” Dice asked, taking me by surprise.

  “Why the fuck would I do that?” Did Dice know already? There was no way. Nobody knew. I was the only one, and I hadn’t uttered a single word to anybody.

  “Because you’re still cranky as shit. Maybe if you get laid again, you’ll lighten the fuck up.”

  I was cranky because I was pregnant. My hormones were all out of whack. I spent most of my mornings trying not to throw up, and I had no one to talk about it with. I had never felt so alone in my life. While I prided myself on being independent, I couldn’t deny the fact that I liked the built in company the club brought. Being the daughter of the Outlaws’ president, I was born into a life with people who were always there for me. Who would do anything I asked of them, take me anywhere I needed to go, and protect me to their last breath.

  A tear slid down my cheek, and I swiped it away as fast as I could. I didn’t cry. My body was fucking with me, making me lose control, and I didn’t know how to regain it back.

  “Hey,” Dice said, concern etching at the corners of his eyes. “I was kidding.” He rested his hand on my shoulder, staring down at me, but I couldn’t look at him. We didn’t do secrets. In a world where every single thing you did was confidential, Dice and I used each other as outlets when we could no longer keep things buried. But this… this was something entirely different.

  I took a deep breath, and fought for control of my emotions, telling my hormones to fuck off. “I know. I have dust in my eye or something,” I lied as I rubbed at my lids. “So, what’s going on with Gordita?” Talk of club business was always a good segue to end a conversation I didn’t want to have.

  Dice rested back into the couch, and let out a loud sigh. “That fucking cunt,” he said with a laugh. That was the one thing about Dice; he always saw the humor in a situation. “She’s just another thorn in our side. We’re dealing with it. Most of us just want to put a bullet in her fucking head, but your old man wants us to keep it civil.”


  Dice tilted his head. “One of her sons shows up dead, and they waged war on Montamos within minutes of finding the body. I say fuck it, let them come at us, but I get where the old man is coming from. He’s just trying to keep the town safe.”

  There was no denying the life we led was dangerous, but it never bothered me before. Now, knowing a life was growing inside of me, that I would be bringing a baby into this world, it didn’t just bother me, it scared the shit out of me. How was I going to keep a baby safe if my life was constantly in danger?

  Fear knotted my stomach, and pissed me the fuck off. I survived this life because I didn’t allow fear or any other emotion to cloud my vision. I kept a straight head at all times, and had even been called heartless in the face of tragedy. I wasn’t heartless; I was smart. Emotions ruined things. Emotions got you killed.

  Dice continued to talk, but I didn’t hear anything. His words swirled around in my head as I fought my inner demons, trying to make sense of everything. Trying to figure out what the fuck I was going to do. I couldn’t tell Kade. It was out of the question. But, if I told anyone else, Kade would find out. All he had to do was the math, and he would know he was the father.

  He was a good guy. He’d want to do the right thing, but I couldn’t let him. His life, his livelihood was on the line. I could end this all now, and just go and get it taken care of, then nobody would ever have to know, but I couldn’t.

  Dice once told me his mom was going to abort him, but she had a change of heart at the last minute. I couldn’t imagine a world without Dice in it. To think that it was a very real possibility, it was almost too much to take. I always thought if his mother chose to go through with it, it was because she took the easy way out. Now I knew the decision she faced. There was no easy way out.

  The only thing I knew was that I’d rather give this baby a fighting chance. I owed it that much. So, getting rid of it wasn’t an option either.

  Dice elbowed me in the shoulder, knocking me out of my head. “You know,” he said, and I nodded since I had no idea what he was talking about. He tilted his beer to his lips, and I glanced at him.

  “I’m pregnant.” The words tumbled out with no warning, but, once they were out, I felt relief. A calm washed over me, and I was able to breathe for the first time since I found out.

  Dice choked on his beer, and flung forward on the couch, coughing up a lung. “What?” he managed, looking at me with complete and total shock crossing his dark eyes.

  “I’m pregnant,” I said, again, getting used to the words flowing so freely off my tongue.

  His eyes widened and he ran a hand down his face. He looked at me, lips parted, and it appeared like he was trying to say something, but nothing came out. Finally, he sputtered a few noises. “Well,
fuck,” he said, flopping back into the couch. “Whose is it?” he asked, and I slid my teeth over my lip. “Oh, fuck. Shut up. No! Kade knocked you up? Oh my god, this is classic.”

  “I’m happy you’re so amused by the situation.”

  “I’m sorry, but fuck. The old man is going to kill him.” I grabbed Dice’s arm, and looked him directly in the eye, silently pleading with him.

  “That’s why he can’t know.”

  “Who? Kade or your old man?”

  “For now, both. But Kade can never know it’s his. Ever.”

  “Are you going to keep it?” Dice asked.

  “How can you even ask me that, knowing what your mother almost did?”

  He shrugged, the look in his eyes going black. “Because I don’t understand why she didn’t.”

  “Dice, your mother loves you. How could you say that?”

  “Forget it.” He guzzled the rest of his beer, and placed the bottle down on the coffee table.

  I wanted to push, but the stone cold look in his eyes told me it was better not to.

  “You have to tell him, S.”

  “I don’t have to tell him shit. I can have this baby, and raise it without his help. I don’t need him.”

  “But he has a right to know.”

  Stupid emotions took over, causing a wall of tears to build in my eyes. I closed my eyes, forcing the annoying tears back. “Like you said, Daddy will kill him and, if he doesn’t kill him, he’ll strip him of his cut. It’s all Kade has. It will destroy him, and I don’t want to be responsible for that. I won’t.”

  “Holy shit. You like him,” Dice said, taking me off guard.

  My lip curled in disgust. “I do not.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Dice shifted, resting his hand on my knee. “If you’re not lying to me, then you’re lying to yourself.” He stood, grabbing the empty bottle and paused, looking back down at me. “Kade’s a good guy. It’s okay to like him, you know?”

  Kade might have been a good guy, but he made me weak. Sleeping with him would always be my biggest regret. He made me let my guard down, and, with his baby growing inside of me, he made me want things that I told myself I would never have. I was content, living my life, taking care of my father, and having random one-night stands with guys in bars. I couldn’t get attached if I never saw the guy more than once.

  Unfortunately, I saw Kade almost every single day, and it was getting harder and harder to resist him. But I would, because giving into my desires was a dangerous line for the two of us. Nice guy or not, he deserved better.

  I shook my head, accepting what I already knew. “No, it’s not.”



  Sienna hadn’t gone out for a single cigarette break in days. I wondered if it was because she was busy or she actually quit. As pathetic as it was, I looked forward to those breaks. I could glance out of the garage over whatever car I was working on, and watch her. It had been nearly two months since I got her in my bed, and the desire to spread those gorgeous legs wide again only grew with each passing day.

  Her rejections were getting quicker and meaner. The easy banter we always had between us was dying, and I liked to believe it was because I was wearing her down. She just couldn’t stand to be in my presence for too long because she didn’t trust herself. So, when I saw her walk out of the office and head to her bike, I wasn’t going to miss an opportunity.

  I wiped my hands on a rag, and jogged toward her. She had to have heard my boots hitting the pavement, but she didn’t turn around. She kicked her leg over her bike, and I stopped in front of her. “Going somewhere?” I asked.

  Her pouty lips pushed into a thin line. “Leaving.” She put her helmet on, and took hold of the handlebars, leaning slightly forward.

  My eyes caught on the V of her shirt, taking in the beautiful mounds pouring out. “New bra?” I asked, wishing I could rip her shirt off and show her how much I appreciated the view.

  “Fuck you. Get out of my way.” I was good at reading her, but she hid behind dark tinted sunglasses, funny since I hadn’t seen sun in fucking days.

  I sighed, getting sick of the bitch act. It was intriguing in the past, but we were beyond that now. Besides, this was a completely different bitch than the one I was used to. I walked around until I was standing at her side, done playing Mr. Nice Guy.

  “What crawled up your ass?” I demanded.


  I rested my hand next to hers on the handlebar, and let my finger graze her skin. She snapped her hand away, and tucked both under her arms. I was beginning to think our night together was nothing more than a dream.

  Her blonde hair tossed in the wind, and I leaned in. “Don’t tell me you don’t dream about me. About that night. That you don’t finger that tight little pussy with visions of my cock sliding in and out of you.” My lips grazed her ear, and her body stiffened. Goosebumps trailed down her neck and, my God, it took all the restraint I had not to lick a line from ear to collarbone. “You can deny it all you want. Fight whatever this is between us, but you’ll never be able to get me out of your thoughts.”

  She sucked in a jagged breath, as I let my tongue sneak out and swipe her earlobe, before pulling back. I stared at her, trying to penetrate the dark tint of her sunglasses.

  I didn’t say anything else. I didn’t have to. The way she reacted to my closeness, the short gasp of breath and the stiffness in her stance, I knew I hit a nerve. So, I stepped aside and let her drive away, hoping the memory of me haunted her for the rest of the day.

  A hand smacked down on my back, and I turned to see Nick’s long beard. Fuck. If he suspected anything was going on between me and Sienna, I might as well hold onto the memory of her tight pussy clenching around my dick now because I would be saying goodbye to it.

  “What’s up?” I asked, playing it as cool as I could.

  “I need you to head into the city. Club business.”

  “What do you need?” I asked. It was never a question of yes or no because the answer was always yes. The club was my life, and I did whatever I had to do in the name of the club.

  “Since our last doctor got thrown into the slammer, Hudson has been doing a little research.”

  Doc Harrington wrote us bogus prescriptions for a cut, but a few months ago he was caught and currently faced twenty-five years to life for a long list of offenses. Cash used to handle business with the doctors, but there was a reason Nick was asking me, and not Cash, to go. Doc Harrington was Cash’s old lady’s father and it had been a bit of a sore spot ever since the doc got locked up.

  “What’d Hudson find out?” I asked, tucking my hands into my pockets.

  “Doctor over on Broadway has kiddie porn on his computer.”

  “Sick fucking bastard,” I spat. It would be a miracle if I didn’t put a fucking bullet between his eyes. “There’s no other leads?” I hated that we would be doing business with a dirt bag.

  Nick shook his head. “Not yet. Trust me, this is only temporary. Afterward, I don’t care if an anonymous tip gets his ass thrown in jail where it belongs.”

  At least Nick and I were on the same page. We would use this piece of shit for now, but as soon as we tracked down another doctor we could negotiate with, his ass was as good as done.

  “You have an appointment for four o’clock. Sore throat,” Nick said with a smirk.

  “Got it,” I said, and hopped on my bike, making sure to get to my appointment on time.

  Twenty minutes later, I sat in the office, disgusted to see kids there. It was none of my fucking business, but it was a goddamned chore to keep my mouth shut and not tell these people who their precious doctor really was.

  Awards lined the walls, and clippings of newspapers and magazines hung in frames all around the waiting room. It was like a fucking shrine. The doc obviously thought highly of himself, and I couldn’t wait for this all to be over so I could watch him crash and burn.

>   A hot little thing in scrubs held the door opened and called my name. Normally, I’d give her a once over, but, after getting a taste of Sienna, I had no use for anyone else.

  “Hi, Mr. Danielson. I’m Christina.” I nodded to the brunette as I stepped through the door and waited for her to point me in a direction.

  She brought me to an exam room where she took my blood pressure. I went through the motions, and even added a cough to my little act.

  “The doctor will be right with you,” she said, before slipping out the door and closing it behind her.

  I hoped the bastard didn’t make me wait long. I was a patient person when it came to important shit like Sienna, but waiting to do business with a pervert? My patience didn’t exist. I jumped off the table and scanned the small space, looking through the cabinets. All that I found were cotton swabs and gauze.

  Everything was white and clean, and I imagined the walls decorated with the doc’s brains. A smile tugged at the corner of my lip as the masterpiece formed in my head. It wouldn’t be pretty, that’s for sure.

  “Mr. Danielson,” the doctor said as he pushed through the door, his nose down in a chart.

  His blond hair was slicked back, revealing beady brown eyes when he finally looked up. Strip away the white coat and designer clothes beneath, stick him in a van, and he’s exactly the type of guy that would be lurking outside schoolyards.

  “It says here you have a sore throat.” He shut the door, and I sat back down on the table.

  “If that’s what it says,” I said, folding my hands in my lap, trying to hide my shit eating grin. This fuck had no idea that his entire life was about to flash before his pretty boy eyes.

  He reached up, resting his fingertips on my throat, and sending a sharp chill of disgust through me. I was going to enjoy this way too fucking much. I stuck my hand into my cut, and pulled out my .45, pushing the barrel right under his chin.

  “What the…”

  “Shut up!”

  His eyes went wild, and I was sick of looking at them, so I grabbed his arm and spun him around, smashing his head against the wall. I put more pressure on his arm. “Make a noise, and I will break it.” It took everything I had not to snap his bones in half.


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